Last night's Mystagogy session explored charisms. I was frankly a little nervous - so many lists! and tongues? Yikes.
In the end it went very well and I got several requests for the slides afterward. Glad to oblige. We closed with a prayer by St. Catherine of Siena, which led us to a short discussion about the Dominican Tertiaries and other third orders. It turned out we had a Tertiary in our midst. She spoke at length, and it was really neat stuff.
The presentation wound up with a look at charisms and how they might manifest in concrete, down-to-earth ways. You might look at something like Tongues and decide it's just a bridge too far, but if you've found yourself drawn to being a Lector, or have a natural gift for the written or spoken might have a charism! Find yourself engaged in social justice works, letter-writing campaigns, and the like? Maybe you have the Prophetic charism. We turn out to be more charismatic than we think.
Next week is Prayer Life, a personal favorite.
In other news, I'm slowly assembling backpacking gear for a potential trip this fall, just the two of us. I haven't been backpacking since high school, and our attempts to camp with bunch of little ones left very little time for relaxation. Having rediscovered the joys of hiking this seemed like a good next step.