Summer reading: A Canticle for Leibowitz and The Nicomachean Ethics. For Spanish practice, still working through El Aleph (Borges) and Introduccion al Cristianismo (Ratzinger). We’re about to do a bit of road-tripping through Louisiana and Mississippi, so a couple of audiobooks are also lined up. The plan is to head south to the Gulf coast, then westward to New Orleans, loiter a bit, head to Oxford, and then home. Outside of picking out a few potential restaurants and arranging the hotels, planning has been pretty minimal, which suits both of us just fine. Loosely-structured slowness is the point after the absolute insanity of the last few months.

I am still unpacking the treasures of the class on desert spirituality, which I just wrapped up. My copies of Cassian’s Institutes and Conferences are now heavily marked up. Great stuff and certain to be fruitful in the years to come.
